Fuel Up for Your Ride: The Best Pre-Bike Snacks


Fueling up before a bike ride is essential for cyclists of all levels. Whether you're going for a leisurely ride or tackling a challenging route, the right pre-ride fuel can make all the difference in your performance and enjoyment. Pre-ride fueling isn't as simple as you think, and there are some foods that should be avoided beforehand! In this post, we'll discuss the best foods to eat before a bike ride, the benefits of pre-ride fueling, and provide some quick and easy snack ideas to try.

What to Eat Before a Bike Ride

When it comes to pre-bike ride fuel, it's important to choose foods that are high in carbohydrates and easy to digest. Some good options include oatmeal, bananas, toast with peanut butter, and yogurt with fruit. These foods provide the energy your body needs to power through your ride without weighing you down or causing digestive issues.

Carbohydrates are especially important for cyclists because they are the primary source of fuel for your muscles during exercise. Eating carbs before a ride helps ensure that your body has enough glycogen stored up to keep you going. Additionally, choosing foods that are easy to digest can help prevent stomach discomfort during your ride.

Fiber is an essential part of any diet, however, it is important to select pre-ride foods that are low in fiber before engaging in physical activity. This is because fiber slows down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, which can be detrimental to performance during exercise. Eating foods that are low in fiber before a ride will help ensure that the carbohydrates are quickly absorbed and utilized by the body for energy. Additionally, it is important to stay hydrated before, during, and after exercise to help ensure proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Benefits of Eating Before a Bike Ride

Eating before a bike ride offers numerous benefits for cyclists. For one, it can help increase your energy and endurance during your ride. When you have enough fuel in your system, you're less likely to feel fatigued or sluggish on the bike, so you can keep on pedaling! 

Eating before a ride can also help prevent "bonking" or "hitting the wall". Bonking occurs when your body runs out of glycogen stores and is forced to rely on fat, and even amino acids, for fuel instead. This can cause feelings of extreme fatigue and weakness, making it difficult to continue riding. Check out this experiment we conducted on what happens to your glucose levels when you do not fuel your workouts. By fueling up before your ride, you can help prevent bonking and keep your energy levels stable throughout your ride. Fueling during longer workouts and rides is also essential, as we want to keep your carbohydrate stores and CHO-plasma levels topped off. 

Properly fueling also ensures that Ghrelin, our body’s hunger hormone, stays at bay! Ghrelin is a hormone produced in the stomach that plays an important role in regulating hunger and energy balance. It is released when the stomach is empty, stimulating appetite and promoting food intake. Ghrelin also increases the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland, which helps to regulate body composition and metabolism.

Quick and Easy Pre-Bike Snacks

If you're short on time or don't want to prepare a full meal before your ride, there are plenty of quick and easy snack options to choose from. Some good options include energy bars, trail mix, fruit, and smoothies. These snacks are easy to prepare and can be consumed on the go, making them ideal for busy cyclists. Keep in mind that fruit contains fructose- which must be processed in the liver before it is turned into glucose. So make sure to time your banana and apple just right! 

I personally enjoy gummy bears and fruit snacks right before a ride. Eating carbohydrates before a ride is essential to ensure you have enough energy to complete the work required. However, it is important to make sure you don't overeat. Eating the right amount of carbohydrates will give you the fuel you need to make it through your ride. Gummy bears and fruit snacks are a great way to get the carbohydrates you need without overindulging. So, grab some gummy bears and fruit snacks before your next ride for the perfect amount of energy and fuel!

Nutrient-Rich Pre-Bike Snacks

While quick and easy snacks are great for convenience, it's also important to choose nutrient-dense foods for pre-bike fuel. Some good options include Greek yogurt with berries, avocado toast with eggs, and smoothie bowls with nuts and seeds. These foods should be eaten no later than 1-2 hours before your ride. Eating them too close to your starting time will slow digestion down and may even upset your stomach. 

Greek yogurt is a great source of protein and calcium, which can help support muscle recovery and bone health. Avocado toast with eggs provides healthy fats and protein for sustained energy during your ride. Smoothie bowls with nuts and seeds offer a variety of nutrients, including healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants.

Tips for Eating Before a Bike Ride

Timing your meals and snacks before a bike ride is important to ensure that you have enough fuel in your system without feeling weighed down or experiencing digestive issues. It's generally recommended to eat a meal or snack 1-2 hours before your ride to allow time for digestion.

Additionally, staying hydrated before and during your ride is crucial for optimal performance. Aim to drink at least 16-20 ounces of water 2-3 hours before your ride, and continue sipping water throughout your ride to stay hydrated. For longer rides, ensure that you bring enough gels and snacks to keep your glucose levels optimal. 

Endurance athletes require a large amount of micronutrients, check out these 3 endurance superfoods that we love!


Fueling up before a bike ride is essential for cyclists who want to perform their best and enjoy their ride. By choosing the right foods and timing your meals and snacks appropriately, you can help ensure that your body has the energy it needs to power through your ride. By fueling our bodies for a workout we can prevent injury, fatigue, and even illness. If you would like to take your training to the next level, check out why hiring a certified sports nutrition coach is beneficial!

About Summit Sports Science

Hey! I'm Gabe. I obtained my ASc degree in kinesiology and am currently pursuing my BSc in Dietetics to become a Registered Dietitian (RD.) Furthermore, I am licensed by both the National Academy of Sports Medicine and the United Endurance Sports Coaching Academy as a sports nutritionist. I started Summit Sports Science to deliver nutrition coaching that’s based on science, not pop culture. I aim to assist my athletes in acquiring the nutritional tools and knowledge necessary to optimize their performance. Whether you are training for your first marathon, or are a full-time athlete looking to optimize your nutrition, I invite you to apply to work with me..


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