3 Endurance Sport Superfoods | The Science

In the athletic field, we are careful to use the term “superfood” because of its misconceptions about supplements and “miracle” substances. Indeed, most whole foods can be considered superfoods. With these considerations in mind, I have picked 3 of my favorite sports superfoods- geared toward the endurance athlete.


Spinach is one of the most nutritionally complete foods on Earth, packing a huge variety of vitamins, nitrates, and minerals. Try mixing spinach in delicious pasta, or a hearty salad with protein and some carbohydrates. Nitrates dilate your blood vessels- increasing the uptake of oxygen to skeletal muscle cells. Thus, our mitochondria can perform more efficiently. Keep in mind that cooking greens can lower their bioavailability for the key nutrients that they provide.


Salmon- like most fish- contains omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA. These two components improve nervous system function, improve the cardiovascular system, and decrease post-exercise inflammation. EPA and DHA have positive effects on cardiovascular function- including reducing inflammation, decreasing peripheral artery disease, and reducing major coronary events. While many athletes may not prefer fish, EPA and DHA may be consumed through various supplements. As always, it is important to ensure the integrity and quality of every supplement. At Summit Sports Nutrition, we prefer this JP+ Omega-3 Fatty Acid supplement.


Ah, that sweet morning cup o’ joe! There is no need to go into crazy detail here- coffee has been proven over hundreds of studies to provide ergogenic effects to athletes across all scopes of practice. Caffeine, the primary agent of coffee, acts on the nervous system to lower the perceived effort of a workout. Coffee is loaded with antioxidants and has been linked to an increase in post-exercise muscle glycogen recovery.



It is absolutely vital to conduct your own research and consult trusted sources when addressing nutrition, supplements, and ergogenic enablers. Although we should always approach nutrition from a food-first basis, we understand the need for small periods of supplementation. As athletes, we find ourselves on the road a lot- with little time to cook! That is why we trust JP+ Fruit, Vegetable, Berry, & Omega Blend. This trusted and tested solution helps fill those gaps in between events!

About Summit Sports Science

Hey! I'm Gabe. I obtained my ASc degree in kinesiology and am currently pursuing my BSc in Dietetics to become a Registered Dietitian (RD.) Furthermore, I am licensed by both the National Academy of Sports Medicine and the United Endurance Sports Coaching Academy as a sports nutritionist. I started Summit Sports Science to deliver nutrition coaching that’s based on science, not pop culture. I aim to assist my athletes in acquiring the nutritional tools and knowledge necessary to optimize their performance. Whether you are training for your first marathon, or are a full-time athlete looking to optimize your nutrition, I invite you to apply to work with me..


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